The Noak Bridge |
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Nature Reserve Society |
Newsletter - Winter 2018 |
Around the ReserveIt is hard to believe that our ECO Container has been in position for over a year now and I must say it is looking very splendid, with the wooden cladding now starting to become weathered and the "Planted Biodiverse Roof" having taken very well and now looking established. The various habitat boxes and drillings have over the months started to become "Home" and I cannot wait for a survey to be undertaken which will enable us all to see the makeup of the new residents. An information board is also currently being designed and hopefully will be ready for installation in the early part of the New Year.Over the last few months the change in seasons has given us all a wonderful array of colour within the Reserve. No two walks have been the same - showing just how very precious the Reserve is. Unfortunately the tale of the ponds continues to be a rather sad one because it is only Puckles with a greatly reduced level and Meadow which currently have any water in them and this has a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the Reserve. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all your Committee Members for their commitment and hard work during the last year. It has been very much appreciated. As we enjoy the festivities of the Christmas period please remember that your local Nature Reserve is a good place to walk off all the excesses and to introduce much needed fresh air into your system - please make use of it. Your Committee would like to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. David Braithwaite Turtle Doves
Work Parties – September to November 2018With the water levels still low there has been more litter picking in and around the other three ponds, Meadow, Fox and Puckles. There were also about eighteen very old milk bottles, intact, partly buried near a path that attracted attention with reflected afternoon sun on them, and other litter was picked from around the Reserve.A drain pipe connecting the drainage ditch from Puckles Pond had been found to be broken near its outlet end into the brook. The location and extent were measured and marked for a contractor who has replaced it in good time before the rain expected in autumn and winter. A tractor was used to cut the scrub in Thorny Wood, and a mechanical flail was used to clear branches back from each side of the Meadow Link of the Boardwalk to open the ground up to the light and allow a greater variety of plants to flourish. Some manual trimming and clearing away branches of the trees and bushes has been carried out around the Reserve. Tony Garner |
We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year |